• Everyone is asked to wear a face mask.
  • Everyone will be expected to adhere to the CDC social/physical distancing guidelines.
  • Grace Hill Farms will provide Germ-X to use before and after the ride. 
  • On the trailer you will be sitting with those who you came with and we will be skipping a seat  between groups.


All attractions are “Enter at Your Own Risk.” By entering the premises, you waive liability, assume all risks, and agree to comply with the Park Rules and local/state/federal laws. (Language below is required to be posted pursuant to AL Code S 6-5-347)


“Under Alabama law, an agritourism professional is not liable for injury, sickness, or damage to, or the death of, a participant in an agritourism activity at this location if the injury, sickness, damage, or death results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity.

“Inherent risks of an agritourism activity include risks of injury, sickness, damage, or death inherent to land, equipment, and animals as well as the potential for you to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury, sickness, damage, or death, or for another participant to act in a manner that may cause your injury, sickness, damage, or death.

“You are assuming the risk of participating in this agritourism activity.”

© 2025 Grace Hill Farms
Website Design by MoWeb

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